Family information collection form

Personal information form for submitting information to the Genealogy Register of Komulainen family.

Fill in the form as appropriate for you, going back in the family as far as possible, but at least the father's and mother's information. The information goes to the genealogy database in the form you provide, so make sure it is correct. 

Alternatively, you can also fill out the form using the Word program or print it out and fill it out with a pen. Send the completed form as an e-mail attachment to Mariliina Perkko (mariliina.perkko(at) or by post to Mariliina Perkko, Ylisrinne 10 A 3, 02210 ESPOO. Tel. +358 50 306 9194.

Filling instructions: Enter all first and last names (in this order) as the name. The woman's birth surname is put in parentheses (o.f. = own family). If the surname has changed several times, also record the other surnames. Both married and common-law spouses are registered as spouses. For a common-law spouse, enter the common-law spouse in the marriage column. The place of family is the place where the person has spent most of his life. The profession is the main life work or the most recent profession, in addition to any academic qualifications (MA, GE, etc.).

Own information

Spouse's information


My own parents and grandparents

Spouse's parents and grandparents

Additional information

The information was given and sent to the family society

The information I provide can be used in genealogical research and publishing the genealogy.